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Fire Prevention Tips and Info



• 4% of homes in the U.S. have no smoke alarms installed


• 20% of homes have smoke alarms installed, but they do not work


• 15% of fires responded to had “non-working” smoke alarms due to dead batteries


• 50% of fires responded to had “non-working” smoke alarms with disconnected or missing batteries


• 40% of home fires reported by U.S. fire departments involved homes where no smoke alarm was installed


• 70% of home fires with fatalities had no working smoke alarm present


Information from the 2004 National Fire Protection Association Report.


The Newman Lake Volunteer Fire Department has smoke detectors available at no charge for families in the Newman Lake Community in need of one. Please contact us at 226-1482 or via email at


  A warm, cozy fire or warmth from a space heater can quickly spell danger during the cold winter months. Each year, nearly 600 children ages 14 and under die in residential fires and another 40,000 children are injured.


  It is extremely important that families take the proper precautions to ensure all home heating equipment is in working order and that all household members know how to escape in case of a fire.




• Remove anything too close to a fireplace, heater or radiator, such as clothing, furniture, newspapers or magazines.


• Secure all portable heaters.


• Avoid plugging several appliance cords into the same electrical socket.


• Replace old or frayed electrical wires and appliance cords, and keep them on top of rugs.


• Keep matches, lighters and other heat sources out of children’s reach. Playing with matches and lighters is the leading cause of fire deaths for children ages 5 and under.


• Store all flammable liquids such as gasoline outside of the home.


• Keep furniture and other heavy objects out of the way of doors and windows.




• Buy and install smoke alarms. Install smoke alarms on every level of your home and in every sleeping area.


• Consider installing both ionization alarms (better at sensing flaming fires) and photoelectric alarms (better at sensing slow, smoky fires).


• Test and maintain smoke alarms regularly. Test alarms monthly, replace batteries yearly, replace smoke alarms every 10 years.


• Plan and practice two escape routes out of the house and each room.


• Designate an outside meeting place.




• The sound of a smoke alarm.


• To crawl low under smoke.


• To cover their mouths and noses. A moist towel is best, but anything within reach can protect lungs.


• To touch doors before opening them. A warm door usually means fire on the other side..


• To never go back into a burning building.


• To “stop, drop, and roll”.

© 2021 Newman Lake Fire & Rescue. All rights reserved.

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