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Our Live Fire Burn Building has been delivered and is almost ready to hold training evolutions. Our first live fire training is scheduled for October 2nd.

The common question is, “Will it be painted”? Yes, it is going to be a dark shade of Charcoal Gray.

The building was fabricated by a local company, Taylor’d Containers, and is the largest conex container burn building in the county. It has 4 burn rooms and numerous fire props to realistically facilitate many fire training evolutions that we can use to practice the skills required in fighting house fires.

The cost of the building project is under $350,000. The funds were pulled from the New Facilities budget which has been saved over the years for this very purpose.

Due to the pandemic we unfortunately can’t hold an open house but hope to be able to have one in the Spring.

Thanks to our community for the support and encouragement!

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